
Zodiacal Degree Conversion Table
The 12 tropical zodiac signs are 12 mathematical abstractions from a central point that measure 30˚ (30 degree) increments of a 360˚ circle. When doing mathematical calculations in astrology, it is best to...
Zodiacal Degree Conversion Table
The 12 tropical zodiac signs are 12 mathematical abstractions from a central point that measure 30˚ (30 degree) increments of a 360˚ circle. When doing mathematical calculations in astrology, it is best to...

Tables: Solar & Lunar Eclipse: 2010-2022
These eclipse tables were created based off of The American Ephemeris 1950 -2050 at Noon by Neil F Michelsen and Rique Pottenger. 2010 Date Eclipse Sign & Degree January 15,...
Tables: Solar & Lunar Eclipse: 2010-2022
These eclipse tables were created based off of The American Ephemeris 1950 -2050 at Noon by Neil F Michelsen and Rique Pottenger. 2010 Date Eclipse Sign & Degree January 15,...